Kaiti ATAWHAI is run by a group of committed members of the community who each offer skills that are of value to the programme.
This group are all members of the Gisborne community including police staff, army staff, fire service staff, maori wardens who have developed the Kaiti programme and seek community funding to support the continuation of it.
ATAWHAI runs under the umbrella of The ATAWHAI Charitable Trust.
The ATAWHAI Charitable Trust aspires to working with local, regional and central government and other providers of services to ensure that services will enhance the social, economic, cultural and environmental development of the Tairawhiti region.
The Trust also hopes to create a more entrepreneurial attitude amongst all residents of Tairawhiti, especially young people and to encourage a community where business, social and environmental communities work together to leave a legacy for the next generation.
This programme is intended to provide Tairawhiti Youth with alternative past times.
It is open to anyone to participate in.
ATAWHAI is not about counselling or attempting to convert every wayward youth.
It is about assisting youth to set and realise goals and give them a challenge that they normally would not get to do. It is designed to give youth basic disciplines and guidelines outside of the home environment.
The ATAWHAI programme
This programme is intended to provide Tairawhiti Youth with alternative past times.
It is open to anyone to participate in.
ATAWHAI is not about counselling or attempting to convert every wayward youth.
It is about assisting youth to set and realise goals and give them a challenge that they normally would not get to do. It is designed to give youth basic disciplines and guidelines outside of the home environment.
ATAWHAI Charitable Trust
The Trust will seek funding support for these purposes:
The purpose of the Trust is to carry out any charitable purpose in New Zealand benefiting disadvantaged youth and their whanau and communities, whether it relates to the relief of poverty, the advancement of education, or any other matter beneficial to the community, and it shall include, without limitation, the provision of:
(a) mentoring and life skills programs;
(b) sport, recreation, and school holiday programs;
(c) guidance and parenting programs for whanau;
(d) access to positive role models from the community;
(e) advice and support to assist youth and whanau to achieve their goals; and
(f) other assistance consistent with this charitable purpose.
The purposes of the Trust shall not include or extend to any purpose which is non-charitable within the laws of New Zealand and the powers of the Trustees and activities of the Trust shall be restricted accordingly and limited to New Zealand.

JN Williams Trust